SW - 127
Chest - 34
Back - 30
Waist - 28
Hip bones - 34
Hips - 40
Thigh - 23
Current and Goal:
CW - 125
GW - 105
Goal Measurements:
Chest/back - 34/30
Waist - 24
Hip bones - 32
Hips - 35
Thigh - 18
120lb - New Jumper
115lb - New Shoes/Start growing hair
110lb - New Top
105lb - New Jeans
- Make a plan of what I'm going to do/eat each day
- If I go over my calories subtract the difference from the rest of the week
- No eating after dinner
- Post food log every day
- Complete homework within 3 days of it's due date (sounds like its pregnant. lol).
- Drink 1 cup green tea every day
- Drink at least 1.5l every day
1200-1600 = Ate too much
1600-1800 = Binge (Deduct from rest of week)
1800-2000 = Huge Binge (deduct from rest of week)
2000+ = Epic Binge (Fast + Deduct)