Thursday 4 November 2010

Day #12 ~ 122.5

That is the kind of thing I want to be able to pull off. Right now I couldn't dream of wearing anything tight on my thighs. That skirt would make me look huge, disgusting, FAT. But next year I will be thin. Thin enough to pull off any fashions, like the Olsen twins. I wish. Lol <3

Roll is safely in the bag hidden under my bed to be taken to a bin outside of my house on friday/saturday. Snack has been taken out of my bag to avoid temptation so I'm only taking fruit to school. At this rate I'm not going to be 120lb by monday, but it is TOM so I'm just gonna keep going and hope it's just water weight.

Food Log:
Breakfast: Coffee (0)
Lunch: Fruit (30)
Dinner: Chicken Curry   (570)
Total: 580

Today I felt exhausted all day and at times quite light headed. I don't see why because I haven't been eating that little. It feels kind of good as long as you don't need to be doing anything. Lol.

Tomorrow is an 800 cal day, here's my plan:
Breakfast: Coffee (0)
Lunch: Snack (150) and fruit (50)
Dinner: ? (600)
Total: 800


  1. totally know what you mean about fashion. one day when im skinny i will go shopping and wear clothes like im a pretty girl. for now oversized everything. nice diet plan. you will get there. xo

  2. are you following the ABC diet?

    btw amazing cal intake sweetie! I wanna pull that off as well.. its so cute and chic. Good luck babe you can do it!

  3. I'm not doing the abc i'm just doing like a 6-8-10-12 thing because I can't get past my mum eating the amounts on the ABC </3

    Thanks for the comments :)

